National Manufacturing Institute Scotland

Past events

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NMIS Insights: Introducing the NMIS SME Engagement Team and what it can do for you

NMIS series - Product Design Scotland Toolkit - part 1

NMIS Insights: in conversation with the NMIS Digital Team

NMIS Insights: in conversation with our circular economy experts

Free support for smaller Scottish manufacturers: advance your manufacturing capabilities

NMIS with Rolls-Royce on the rotary friction revolution

NMIS Insights Engage special: Introducing the Advanced Forming Research Centre (AFRC) and FutureForge and what they mean for you

NMIS Insights Engage special: Exploring the NMIS Digital Factory

NMIS Insights Engage special: Exploring the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre and what it can do for you

Securing your business: the path to cyber security

Digital Machine Verification

NMIS Insights Engage special: The NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy for businesses and individuals

COVID-19 – Innovation, challenges and support within manufacturing supply chains

Free support for smaller Scottish manufacturers: advance your manufacturing capabilities

Demystifying Industry 4 0 for manufacturers

Metal forming technology: breaking the mould with superplastic forming

When excel won’t cut it anymore taking the next steps for enhanced data analysis

Developing, verifying and validating products for new markets

Photogrammetry, design and augmented reality for manufacturers

New business models for manufacturing companies: exploring new ways of working

Knowledge Transfer Network an introduction for manufacturers

An introduction to the Lightweight Manufacturing Centre and what it can do for manufacturers

Discovering a cutting edge soultion for manufacturers

Digital twinning and manufacturing improving productivity and efficiency and reducing waste

Improving manufacturing productivity

Additive manufacturing at NMIS: supporting small businesses in embracing additive manufacturing

National Manufacturing Institute Scotland: how to get involved

Shining a light on materials science and residual stress within manufacturing

Product development for innovators: risks, regulations and standards

Forging ahead with the AFRC at NMIS: an introduction to forging and incremental forming technologies

Smarter manufacturing: an introduction to BitzList

Cracking the code: Python for data analytics

Meta skills: future proofing the workforce

NMIS series - Product Design Scotland Toolkit - part 2

In conversation with the MSA team

Can't stand the heat treatment

Reuse and remake: the circular economy for manufacturers

Manufacturing Scotland's Electric Future

Manufacturing net-zero series: Is there a better way to make that?

NMIS Insights - The global skills search: looking beyond our borders

NMIS Insights: embracing the next generation of 5 axis machining

NMIS Insights: Luxury lightweighting through hydroforming

A new dawn for sustainable cyber security

Manufacturing a greener future with the NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy

Scottish Apprenticeship Week