Manufacturing a greener future with the NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy

This event has now ended. You can rewatch the webinar below, or visit our YouTube channel for all other webinars.

As manufacturers, we all know that we must embrace more sustainable practices to protect our planet and reach net-zero targets, but it can be difficult to know where to start.

Join us as we introduce free self-directed sustainability courses from the NMIS Manufacturing Skills Academy. Launching in the coming weeks, these courses are aimed at supporting small and medium sized businesses in Scotland with navigating their journey to net-zero.

Hosted by Dr David Butler and Leigh Paterson of the University of Strathclyde's department of Design Manufacturing and Engineering Management (DMEM), we’ll provide a taster of the course content, an introduction to to what circular economy and net-zero mean to you and your business, and some tools to help on your sustainability journey

These events run each month from 26 April – 24 June 2022.

Date - Tuesday 26 April 2022

Time - 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT)

Are you a manufacturer who would like to move away from a ‘take-make-waste’ approach and embrace more sustainable practices?

The circular economy is a model of production and consumption that involves reusing, refurbishing and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible and will be essential in the coming years as we strive to meet our ambitious emissions targets.

What we’ll cover

During this session we provide a taster of our circular economy course, including a history and outline of the practice and real-world examples of how circular economy principles can and have been implemented in various industries resulting in efficiency and cost benefits.

Who should join this webinar?

Anyone from a small to medium sized manufacturing business with little or no knowledge of the circular economy who interested in learning more


Date - Tuesday 24 May 2022

Time - 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT)

Have you ever heard the term, "carbon net -zero" but wondered exactly what it is, how it can be achieved or if it's even possible?

Finding the balance between the amount of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere and the amount produced is complex and often misunderstood.  Yet with the introduction of carbon credits, carbon capture, carbon storage and more, it is essential to understand the problem and potential solutions before making quick decisions in industry. 

What we’ll cover

Here we provide a taster of our net-zero course and explore the origins of the term while untangling confusion and looking at what governments, industries and businesses are doing to reach net-zero. 

Who should join this webinar?

Anyone from a small to medium sized manufacturing businesses with little or no knowledge of carbon net-zero and sustainable practices.


Date - Tuesday 21 June 2022

Time - 14:00 - 15:00 (GMT)

Have you ever wondered if there is an accurate way to determine your organisation's carbon footprint?

Life cycle analysis/assessment (LCA) is a methodology that assesses the environmental impacts across the different life cycle stages of a product or process. As a tool, it is becoming commonplace across industries as the drive to improve sustainability and achieve carbon neutrality comes to the fore. 

What we’ll cover

Here we provide a taster of our life cycle analysis course, including an in-depth overview of the tool, how it can and should be used, also exploring available software options and a case study to show the details of the tool step by step. 

Who should join this webinar?

Anyone from a small to medium sized manufacturing businesses with or no knowledge of LCA.


Dates & Venues

DateTuesday, May 24, 2022
Duration14:00 - 15:00

The Advancing Manufacturing Challenge Fund

The Advancing Manufacturing Challenge Fund projects are part-funded by the 2014-2020 European Regional Development Fund part of the European Structural Funds 2014-20 Programme.

The Scottish Government is the Managing Authority for the European Structural Funds 2014-20 Programme.

For further information visit the Scottish Government webpages or follow @scotgovESIF.

 European Union and Scottish Government Logos